Dear Patients
We are asking patients at the surgery to help us with a view to support us in attendance to one of two meetings in the coming week and are asking patients for their help in this next step of patient access.
This is with regard to the recent patient access survey that was sent out to our patients across the practice to obtain their views on patient access to their GP surgeries.
The results of the surveys are now in and the PCN have organised two meetings in the next week, where they will like to discuss the results and obtain more feedback from patients directly.
There is one online meeting on Monday 2 Dec at 6 – 8pm and one face to face in person meeting on Wed 4 Dec at the Hanwell Health Centre at 1 – 3pm.
We are looking for patient representations for either meetings either online or face to face (not both) and wonder if there is anyone who would be willing to attend one of these meetings.
Please could you kindly let me know and if possible, by the end of today if you are able to attend, so I can add you on our list and send you a link for the online meeting.
Send your email to [email protected] and let us know if you would be willing to attend the face to face or online meeting.
We only need up to 5 patients per meeting (to ensure fair equitability across our PCN).
Thank you